Roy’s Roundup 20 January 2025 G’day folks, Here we are nearly at the end of January, another year under way, and already things are starting to pick up pace after the festive season. I hope that everybody had a chance to get some down time, although I know that for some people working on the land, running their own businesses, working in health, policing or the emergency services finding that time can be hard. This year is shaping up to be a big one, with a Federal Election looming, it will be interesting to see what promises are made by both sides that will affect regional NSW and affect what happens in parliament this year.Even without that distraction there will be a lot happening in parliament this year. There are still plenty of issues we are working on and who knows what others we will see emerge through this year.Bus services survey Given the vast distances separating towns in Barwon, public transport plays a vital role in the lives of my constituents. Many people in Western NSW rely on buses to get them where they want to go. NSW Trainlink is proposing changes to the timetables and routes, based on passenger feedback, but they want more public input. They are asking people to take part in a survey I urge anybody who relies on public transport to take part in the survey. The plan is to introduce the changes in 2026. Perilya Mine Fire Last week we heard news of a fire in the Perilya Mine at Broken Hill. Fortunately, workers who had been underground at the time were evacuated from the mine safely, but there were concerns about the cloud of gas and smoke over the city. An Emergency Operations Centre was set up in response, the Mine has a sub plan, as part of the New South Wales State Emergency Management Plan, to detail the arrangements and response to an emergency at the Mine. It is yet to be confirmed, but the cause of the fire is thought to have been a polyurethane foam, often referred to as a “grout”, used in the mine. The fire occurred in a disused section of the mine that was in the process of being remediated and there was a chemical reaction with the foam believed to have caused the fire. The Emergency Operations Centre has been stood down with the Mine and the Resource Regulator back in control. The latest news I have, is that the fire is extinguished, but there are still smouldering timbers. However, Perilya have not yet returned to full operations. It is concerning that Miners are either using their leave entitlements or if they have exhausted their leave, or are a casual or contracted employee, they are not being paid.Power Outage Inquiry The power outages in the far west of NSW last year dominated the headlines for a time and left a lot of households and business in the region out of pocket. The inquiry that I requested be held into the outages is kicking off, so I would urge people to make a submission, so that we can hear from all affected members of the community. The Inquiry will cover a range of relevant issues relating to the outages, including how they happened and how effective were the measures taken by electricity providers in response to the loss of power. The inquiry will make recommendations on preparation and mitigation strategies that may help safeguard the Far West NSW in the future. Make a submissionManaging the bushI have spent a few days recently investigating forestry on both private and public land and learning about some of the factors that are hindering the industry. Timber is a renewable resource; the industry should be thriving in NSW. However, successive governments have politicised the industry and made it increasingly difficult for Australian forests to be managed and for timber to be used for local purposes. We once had a thriving industry in Barwon. In places like Baradine and Mendooran, these industries are now gone. The Australian bush has been actively managed for thousands of years through cultural burning. Active management encourages new growth, which is the preferred food for our native species and mitigates the risk of fires. The industry is highly regulated by the EPA and LLS, which control the monitoring and compliance. It creates jobs for regional and rural communities all the way down the supply line. I know forestry is not for everyone, but as someone who wants to see local manufacturing and industry in Australia, with tight regulations and rules. I'd rather we manage our land and harvest timber here than destroy landscapes overseas without regulation. I'd like to see better collaboration between government and industry and a return of active management to appropriate forests in Barwon. Seniors Local Achievement Awards Nominations are still open for the Seniors Local Achievement Awards. If you know someone in your community who has gone above and beyond, making a significant contribution, helping with inclusiveness and diversity, providing inspiration for others, I encourage you to nominate them for some well-deserved recognition. The awards will be announced during the NSW Seniors Festival running from March 11 to March 24. Download the nomination form HEREYou can return it to [email protected] Or by post to one of my electorate offices- Narrabri Office - 60 Maitland Street, Narrabri NSW 2390 Cobar Office - 11 Barton Street, Cobar NSW 2835 Broken Hill Office - 1/142 Argent Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880 Alternatively, pop into the closest electorate office to grab a form and return it in person. Wee Waa Hospital Last week the people of Wee Waa rallied to continue to demand that the local hospital be returned to normal operating hours. I spoke to the Health Minister earlier this month and he continues to reaffirm his commitment to keep the hospital open and to return it to normal operation, with a Visiting Medical Officer and increased services. The problem lies in recruitment of a VMO and full nursing staff for the hospital, which Hunter New England LHD has so far failed to do. It has been suggested that an inquiry is needed to work out why HNE has been unable to recruit staff, or to come to an agreement with a VMO. When Western LHD was confronted with a similar problem at Nyngan Hospital, going to reduced hours in October 2022, they engaged with the community working group formed to discuss the issues, they increased their recruiting efforts and by the beginning of 2024 they were back to normal operating hours. HNE were unwilling to engage with the Wee Waa Hospital Community Working Group and are showing a lack of interest in recruiting staff for the hospital. We have to ask the question why the HNE LHD efforts are failing, and we also must revisit the idea of splitting up HNE LHD, so that hospitals in New England have their own designated health district and are not having their resources drained to fill the needs of hospitals on the coast. I have requested a meeting between the Minister and the Wee Waa Hospital Working Group. Gilgandra road upgrades A major problem in country towns that sit on major highways is the volume of heavy vehicle traffic they often have to deal with on their main street. Cars, bicycles, and pedestrians often must share the road with some big vehicles like road trains and B-doubles. It can be dangerous, it causes wear and tear on the roads, but it is also inefficient for our vital road transport vehicles, slowing them down along major routes. That is why it was great to hear that the state and federal governments have committed a total of $40 million to upgrade four major intersections in Gilgandra, which will help to take some of that heavy vehicle traffic away from the main street. The intersections on Hargraves Lane and Federation Street, where they intersect with the Newell, Oxley and Castlereagh highways, will be upgraded to increase freight productivity, reduce travel delays, and improve safety. If the experience of similar improvements in other towns is anything to go by, this investment will help reinvigorate the main street of Gilgandra. It is a recognition of the strategic importance of Gilgandra in the road network in this part of the world.