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Roy's round up

Back Country Bulletin


18 February 2025, 3:00 AM

Roy's round up

Read all about the latest news from Roy Butler MP

Parliament returned last week after a long break over December and January.

Like most first sitting periods, it was a pretty big week, not least because I introduced a bill to split the Hunter New England LHD.

But also, because there were plenty of issues that I have been hearing in my travels around Barwon that I needed to raise with the government.

This week should see things settle into something approaching a routine, but in parliament things can change very quickly.

My colleague Helen Dalton, Member for Murray, has also introduced a bill to split the Murrumbidgee Local Health District, which will affect Lake Cargelligo in my electorate.

I will give my support to her bill if it means that regional areas will receive better outcomes for health.

Vale Dave Gallagher

I am sad to report the passing of Broken Hill Councillor Dave “Gal” Gallagher, a former police officer, and a friend.

When he retired from the force in 2021, was the longest serving officer at Broken Hill. In 2010 he was awarded the Australian Police Medal for 30 years of service.

Dave grew up in regional NSW, near Mungindi, and served some for a decade in Sydney but later went to Broken Hill, which he said was the “best place in the world to live.”

In my time as Regional Manager of the Western Region of the NSW Police Force, I got to work with Dave, who was then head of the Target Action Group at Broken Hill.

While conducting audits - talking to him about his account books, his vehicles and portable equipment - I got to know him well.

Our friendship continued into my time in NSW Parliament and in his roles with Regional Development Australia Far West and with Broken Hill Council.

Dave was someone who showed his love of the community of Broken Hill through his involvement in many local events and organisations.

A keen sportsman, he was a life member, former patron and chair of Outback Rugby League, president of the Silver City Racing Club, but also served as a member of the Country Universities Centre Far West board, supporting people in the Far West pursuing tertiary education.

He was well-known in Broken Hill and would joke with people saying “G’day, my name’s Dave, but people call me ‘The Legend’.

I offer my sincere condolences to Dave's wife, Julie, as well as to his family, friends and former colleagues. He will be missed, and I will miss him.

Storms Notice and Power Outages

Last year we saw storms cause damage and power outages in the far west around Broken Hill, as well as in Carinda.

With more storms across Barwon last week, I felt compelled last week to bring them to the attention of parliament with a Notice of Motion.

I asked that the parliament takes note that:

1. Storms have damaged power infrastructure in Western NSW, leading to widespread supply interruptions.

2. Acknowledges the vulnerability of remote communities and properties on a single supply line with no redundancy plan.

3. Agrees the answer lies in network resilience and local storage and generation.

4. Expedite plans for microgrids and stand-alone power stations in remote areas.

5. Appreciates the hard work Essential Energy does in remote, rural, and regional NSW.

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