Kimberly Grabham
13 August 2024, 3:49 AM
Educational opportunities have never been better in this day and age. However, some things just cannot be taught in a clinical classroom, or online.
A group of concerned locals from Hay who were involved in the agricultural industry, came together out of need.
They realised the next generation of ‘bushies,’ as they call them, were losing the opportunity to learn the hands-on skills and knowledge needed to forge a career in agriculture. There are so many people involved in Hay Inc.’s inception and keeping the program going.
Richard Cannon is the current Chairperson. Chris Bowman is Past Chairperson.
Sandra Ireson is Secretary-Treasurer and Program Manager, Robert Gibson is the Vice Chairperson
Janine Bryant is Assistant Secretary, Markeeta Gibson.
Other Volunteer Trainers are Ed McFarland, Geoff McDougal, Les Lewis, Rob Lindon Keith Bolitho, Susan Hanna, Geoff Duddy, Jacqui Crawford, Scott Dixon, Sophie Hemley, Cameron Clark, Scott Hanaford, Jim Walsh, and Tanisha Shields.
Richard Cannon is the chairperson.
Richard owns and operates a grazing and irrigation property located 12 km south of Hay, incorporating a full blood Wagyu seed stock herd, a commercial Angus herd, a commercial Merino sheep flock, as well as irrigated cotton and cereal production.
Richard believes the hands-on type of education investment in young people through initiatives such as Hay Inc is fundamental for the future of agriculture and its perception and sustainability.
Rob Gibson is Vice Chairperson
Mr. Gibson owns and operates a large-scale grazing and irrigation enterprise to the North Hay in NSW covering an area of 70000 acres with his wife and two children. Robert brings 30 years of livestock and farming experience to Hay Inc and was trained through the “jackaroo system” on farms in Queensland and a sheep stud near Coleambally. Robert is passionate about wool and regularly takes Hay Inc participants and graduates on farm to extend and consolidate their learning whilst being mentored. Robert is also a qualified and experienced wool classer.
Chris Bowman is the past chairperson.
Chris is an independent, professional sheep classer and merino breeding specialist. He has mentored generations of young people entering the agricultural industry, and has managed prolific properties in the district.
Sandra Ireson Secretary/Treasurer and Program Manager.
Sandra owns and operates a beef cattle and sheep enterprise near Booligal on the lower Lachlan River North of Hay, with her husband and adult children.
She is also a member of the Tocal College Advisory Council, Isolated Children Parents Association, Murrumbidgee Landcare Steering Committee and a Producer member on Southern Australia Livestock Research Council for Central & Western NSW including Queensland Sheep.
Sandra was awarded 2017 NSW/ACT Agrifutures Rural Women’s Award Winner which she used to build on the success of the Hay Inc. by developing Engage AG, an adaptable model of the program, to promote the initiative to other rural communities, creating opportunities for careers in agriculture.
She has been a major driver of community events in the Hay region combining agriculture, tourism and education – with one of her successes being instigating and coordinating the Booligal Sheep Races. Sandra is also passionate about creating leadership and networking opportunities for women.
Sandy Symons
Sandy is a fencing contractor and has lived and worked around the Hay and Hillston district all his life.
With the other members of the Hay Inc Board Sandy could see a need for a hands-on rural education training program that would fill the gap left by the demise of the Jackeroo system.
The satisfaction of teaching the students these skills is what motivates Sandy and the other instructors to keep the course going.
Matt Ireson
Matt owns and operates a predominately beef cattle and sheep enterprise near Booligal on the Lower Lachlan River North of Hay, with his wife and three children. He is a 5th generation farmer in the district. He has been involved in the local community as Rugby player and coach, Junior Rugby League Coach, and active after school’s sport coach. Along with many positions on local community groups including President of the Booligal School Parents & Citizens Association and Booligal Sheep Races. Matt is currently the Coach of the Hay Cutters Rugby men’s 1st XV.
Markeeta Gibson
Mrs. Gibson owns a law firm and operates a large-scale grazing and irrigation enterprise at Hay in NSW with her husband and two children. Mrs Gibson is currently a NSW practising Solicitor, Past Board Member of the NSW Rural Assistance Authority and was Chair of its Audit & Risk Committee. She previously held positions as Chair of MI Holdings Pty Limited, a Non-Executive Director of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd and was a member of its Audit Committee.
She is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has extensive experience with rural succession planning, rural, commercial and residential property transfers, as well as trading water entitlements and water allocations.
Bill Ryan
Bill operates Curragh, a grazing operation 120km North West of Hay, where the main focus is a self replacing poll merino flock, incorporating a ram breeding enterprise for own use and also sale rams to a base of clients. Beef cattle are run on the property in season. Bill has always been passionate about the agricultural industry and enjoys the challenges that it brings. He believes that there are many opportunities in the rural sector and is encouraged to see young people wanting to learn more about the industry and believes Hay Inc. is a great foundation for learning in a hands-on environment.
Jim Ives
Jim is located at “Glencoe”, South East of Hay operating an Angus breeding herd turning off grass Fed animals to the growing grass assured market or feeder steers.
Jim along with wife Jane are committed to Regenerative Agriculture. They have been running Glencoe Holistically for a number of years and are striving to increase biodiversity and resilience into their business. Jim joined Hay Inc in 2020 helping with the Cattle handling/education and grazing management workshop.
Peter McCrabb
Peter with his wife Lisa own and run North Bundy a 12500-hectare sheep station near Hay. Peter and Lisa have three children, two of which are employed in the agriculture.
He has studied Farm Management through TOCAL. In 1997 Peter and Lisa started North Bundy Pastoral Company. Peter has spent time on the NSW Farmers Wool Committee, he is currently in his 20th year as a Local Government Councillor on Edward River Council, he is a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Peter has a passion for the sheep and wool industry and for getting young people involved in agriculture.
They came together to actively create a solution to a need; to provide hands on and relevant training to younger generations to keep them in the agricultural sector.
And thus, Hay Inc was formed, and those involved in its inception may not have even realised what a groundbreaking creation they had.
The Hay Inc training program is a series of short courses of practical training, on rural properties throughout the Hay district.
These are delivered by qualified trainers and experts who have extensive experience in primary production.
The training is three blocks over five days.
Lodging and some meals are provided during these training blocks.
Block one takes place first week of February, block two happens the second week of March, and the final training block three is in the third week in June after the long weekend.
The final training day concludes with graduation at the Hay Merino Sheep Show.
Participants are presented with a participation certificate, and a statement of attainment listing the training modules completed.
Certificates are also presented for the accredited training provided by Tocal Agriculture College and TAFE.
Participants are offered an opportunity for work placement on farms in the district to cement their learning and provide hands on opportunities.
Drawing on the skills it takes to keep a farm in the black, Hay Inc keeps the prices down as low as they can. Various organisations donate time, accommodation, resources and farms on which to train. Hay Inc also pursues funding from various grants to minimise costs to employers and applicants.
Expressions of interest are taken all year.
The application process begins in August for the following years intake.
The program was the first informal community-based program of its kind in Australia.
The committee has since released Engage Ag, which is a comprehensive 20-page publication giving other interested communities detailed assistance on how to implement the same kind of programs in their community.
“I was getting many phone calls and people contacting, asking how they could implement a program such as Hay Inc in their district,” program manager Sandra Ireson told The Riverine Grazier.
“In 2017, I received the National Rural Women’s Coalition and Network Award, and utilised that to create Engage Ag. We all are in this for the same reasons, to keep the agricultural sector alive and to share knowledge.
“Since Hay Inc has been implemented, the model has been replicated in many areas, first in Emerald Queensland, and now in South Australia, Gippsland and other areas.”
Sandra said communities are looking for their own solutions as Agricultural Colleges are being closed by the government.
“A couple of students have grown up in cities and are keen to have a career in agriculture,” program manager Sandra Ireson told The Riverine Grazier.
“Some are studying Rural Science and Agriculture at University and are developing their practical skills; some are on family farms and are keen to broaden their networks and learn new ideas.
“All are eager to learn from the experience Hay Inc Rural Education Program Trainers who have many years of knowledge to share.”
Since 2013, 130 young people have graduated from the unique hands-on program and the organisation won the Ambassador Award at the 2023 Hay Business Excellence Awards.
Hay Inc has also created an Alumni Program, to ensure graduates stay connected.
“We have been open for 10 years now, and have 145 alumni to date,” said Sandra.
“The beauty of the program is we don’t just interact and deliver the program, and then never see students again. In this industry mentoring and networking are important, and relationships are beneficial in maintaining our goal and impression on students.”
The reviews of Hay Inc are glowing, with specificity as to why the program has enriched participant knowledge and prospects in the agricultural sector.
Sandra and Hay Inc are pleased the program is cropping up across the country, as Hay Inc only takes 15 applicants a year due to time and other constraints.
Hay Inc alumni have gone onto work at prestigious farms, and have been armed with the skills to achieve their career dreams.