Krista Schade
12 March 2025, 10:00 PM
The continuing dry period has resulted in stage two restrictions being placed on the Central Darling township of White Cliff’s.
Council discussed the issue at the February meeting, and learned the outback community has approximately three months supply of water remaining.
White Cliffs town water supply is sources from the Wakefield Tank, and if it does not rain in the catchment, Council expects to be carting water by June. Council will be eligible for a 90- per cent water transport subsidy from the NSW Government.
In the neighbouring community of Ivanhoe, the town water supply is currently being sourced from Morrison’s Dam. Morrison’s Dam capacity is 300 megalitres, with nine months’ supply remaining. Ivanhoe also has five bores equipped for town supply usage.
Wilcannia’s potable water supply is sourced from the Darling River Weir Pool and the estimated supply once weir stops flowing is six months. At present the flows are continuing.
There are also three emergency bores in Wilcannia, equipped for town supply usage. They were all maintained in good working condition, according to the Council report.
Works updates
The White Cliffs water treatment plant (WTP) is at practical completion stage, Council heard. The project next moves into a defects liability period of 12 months.
All work required under the contract for White Cliffs new WTP has been completed in a satisfactory manner by SNG Engineering in February 2025, subject to the discovery of defects after final completion, and except for items specifically excluded in the letter of final acceptance.
The water treatment plant is capable of producing potable water and training for water operators is in progress, with closely monitoring from the Engineering Department. The White Cliffs Reticulation works commenced 22 May 2023. Approximately 97 per cent of the town reticulation water mains have been completed with connections into individual properties are progressing well.
The Commonwealth Government has allocated an additional $2,765,000 to complete the original scope of works outlined in the Restart NSW funding deed. The deed of variation had now been finalised. White Cliffs WTP, Reticulation, Rising Main and Reservoir Augmentation works are currently funded by Restart NSW. Ivanhoe and Wilcannia WTP’s are funded by the Safe and Secure Water Program.
The Ivanhoe Water Treatment Plant Tender was awarded to Liquitek Pty Ltd following Council resolution at the Ordinary Meeting of Council, May 2024.
Final designs were approved, and construction was planned for this quarter. Council received an amended executed funding deed for the Ivanhoe WTP to the value of $5,850,000.
The additional amount of $3,350,000 was provided by the Commonwealth Government “Far West Water Treatment Plants” project funds.
The Wilcannia New Water Treatment Plant tender has closed. NSW Department of Health provided advice on upgrading the UV system to ensure the new WTP is capable of treating possibly contaminated raw water supply from the proposed new weir pool. This has been reflected in the tender documents.
Council will assess and evaluate the submitted tenders to award the contract as soon as practicable. Council received an amended executed funding deed for the Wilcannia WTP to the value of $7,385,000.
The additional amount of $3,885,000 was provided by the Commonwealth Government “Far West Water Treatment Plants” project funds.
Tilpa Village emergency water supply works including a 17-kilometre pipeline and bore were completed by June 2023. NSW Public Works has been engaged to study the current water supply system, design and provide proposal for an elevated reservoir for water storage.