Krista Schade
09 March 2025, 7:00 PM
The draft Verge and Street Tree Policy provides guidelines for residents to create, install and maintain an authorised street verge in front of their property on CDSC land.
The draft policy was adopted by the Council at the February Ordinary meeting and is now open for public comment.
Council says it supports their strategic plan delivery program objectives for the greening and beautification of towns and streetscapes.
In its report Central Darling Shire Council says verges (commonly referred to as nature strips) provide an area to increase biodiversity, offer a way to reduce maintenance with the right planting, and can make the area aesthetically appealing.
“This policy provides guidance for residents to do that in a way to ensure their design complies with Council requirements, minimises risk and considers other uses associated with the space.
“The policy ensures residents consider responsibility in relation to other users including pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, consider the other functions of the land including garbage collection, stormwater management, utility service corridors, parking and street trees and promotes and guides effective management and maintenance of established street trees.”
Submissions must be made in writing by 4PM Tuesday 1 April 2025 to:
The General Manager, Central Darling Shire Council, PO Box 165, Wilcannia NSW 2836
Or by email to: [email protected]
Submissions will not be accepted via social media.