Krista Schade
20 February 2025, 7:00 PM
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has officially launched its funding priorities ahead of the Federal election.
In a statement announcing the launch of its 2025 Federal Election campaign, the Association said Councils were calling on the next Australian Government to ‘Put Our Communities First’ by providing:
“These new funding programs should be distributed across all councils, on a formula-basis, similar to Financial Assistance Grants or Roads to Recovery funding, which has been provided for many years,” said ALGA President, and Gladstone Mayor, Matt Burnett (pictured).
“I have briefed Federal Ministers, Shadow Ministers and crossbenchers on the importance of these long-term funding reforms.
“I urge you to engage with your local federal MPs and candidates to stress the need for long-term sustainable funding for your communities.
“We need certainty of funding to deliver national priorities through local solutions,” he said.
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